IVS GROUP incorporated with another subsidiary company called “IVS Events Pte Ltd”. Whereby this company has started preparing for an event so called as “Madras College League” (MCL) which will be going to be held in Chennai, India.
Now, it is time to talk about the Madras College League (MCL), it is a cricket match between 12 colleges for girls which will be taking place at Chennai. This league will be an exciting match, though it is also going to be an opportunity for all girls to prove themselves and to build up their own strengths and skills.
The main motive of this league will be the social awareness for the girls and women in all over the world regarding their health. We are going to promote Bionapkin, which is a natural and health conscious sanitary pad. This will be a good platform in order for women to prove and stay healthier.
In addtion,IVSGROUP to add another feather in the cap, has established an event management company in South India which takes care of various corporate, PR, Media and Cine events. IVS group’s initiative is driven by our visionary leader, Dato’ Vicnesvaran who has set a standard benchmark of successful leadership and a paradigm for global growth.
IVS Events PVT Ltd is an event management company in south India specialized in the organizing logistics and delivery of enthused and proficiently managed entertainment events.
IVSGROUP is headquartered in MALAYSIA with operations in two countries and territories with a strong footprint in Asia Pacific. IVSGROUP has positioned itself to be the market leader in its transport logistics, AEO consultation, training, trading spices and business guidance for logistics operations as well as system solutions for customer related services.
Over the years, IVSGROUP is a diversified organisation in Malaysia comprising multiple traded companies. established centralized warehouse to import/export spices, garments, healthcare producs. IVSGROUP created successfully the various brand such as HIMACHALA,BSENSE & EMAS.
HQ: 805-807 Block A, Kelana Center Point,
3 Jalan SS7/19, 47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
HP No: +6019 261 6671
HP No: +6011 2339 1042